United Kingdom
The past 12 months have been more than just a challenging year for the industry. With economic, political, societal, and cultural turbulence, the media industry has taken a battering from all angles. Which makes it somewhat uncomfortable to say that for MG OMD, the past 12 months have been more than just a successful year, it has been the most successful in our history.The past year has challenged the industry in more ways than we could have ever predicted, and we are fortunate to have come out of it stronger both commercially and culturally, thanks to the tenacity and commitment of the MG OMD family. Creating difference that matters has never been more important and we hope that we’ve shown you that focusing on this and how it delivers for our clients, the industry, and ourselves can only lead to success. Our culture has navigated the most difficult of times and come through it with renewed energy for the future, powered by new and diverse thinking from entry-level, all the way up to leadership. We are excited about what 2022 holds for MG OMD and commit to creating more difference that matters for MG, our clients, and the wider media industry we know and love.